For the corporate offices of the most important engineering company in Spain – with branches in several countries– DIN interiorismo team was confronted with an established and operational space, but with a design that lacked personality. It is a big challenge to transform a project that is ready, especially when it is necessary to break the barriers already established by the daily operations of the company.

Corporate colors and the company´s image are the main features of the project. The joy of color was included in the spaces that were also reconfigured to make the operation more dynamic. The optimization of storage units, the substitution of furniture and different lighting accents contributed to create a new atmosphere in all the areas.

The reception was integrally replaned and a wall was placed to create an entrance hall as well as an exhibition space for the company´s projects. There were also significant improvements on a deck that was used very little and the dining room. More meeting rooms were included in the program and the new division of the space allowed the creation of more zones.

The result is a space that looks and feels much organized that creates a better ambiance for both users and visitors and where spatial communication is aligned with the world-wide goals of the company.

Interior design: DIN interiorismo | Interior Designer Aurelio Vázquez
Year: 2013
Location: Mexico City
Area: 895 sq m
Photography: Arturo Chávez

  • Interior Designer: DIN interiorismo

Posted by Aurelio Vazquez

For 29 years designing spaces and interior architecture has been DIN interiorismo specialty. They are located in Mexico City and their projects are distributed in the main states of the Mexican Republic and some countries in the world. All the projects they design are the result of the right combination between creativity, functionality, originality, innovation and quality. With the support of a large multidisciplinary team they shape aesthetic and functional spaces for life, work and business in which the personality and particular needs that each one require stand out. Interior designers, architects, designers, construction professionals, graphic design and all the disciplines that are necessary are continuously added to develop the best project for their clients. They develop projects in the following specialties: residential, commercial, corporate, hotels and services. For DIN interiorismo clients are unique and it is unquestionable to respect the personality, needs and goals of their spaces supporting the alternatives and solutions presented from an integral perspective.

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