This project arises from two guiding conditions: first, the intention to consolidate itself as a guest house having a previous project to which it is subtly integrated, and second, the relationship by contrast between the location, the volumetric arrangement and the free areas against the built spaces. It is in itself a recognition of the commitment of the entire team that was involved in a first project with the clients, who at the time requested the design and construction of their house and then established contact again in order to entrust a guest house on a plot of land attached to the property of their home.

This project arises from two guiding conditions: first, the intention to consolidate itself as a guest house having a previous project to which it is subtly integrated, and second, the relationship by contrast between the location, the volumetric arrangement and the free areas against the built spaces. It is in itself a recognition of the commitment of the entire team that was involved in a first project with the clients, who at the time requested the design and construction of their house and then established contact again in order to entrust a guest house on a plot of land attached to the property of their home.

Recognizing this great opportunity and, above all, the commitment to further endorse the experience of solving the needs of clients through architecture, the new design was formulated under premises framed in the previously mentioned guiding ideas, as well as the guarantee of being able to create the same atmospheres and spatial quality in the face of a significant change in scale or a different vocation to that of the main house.

In this way, this project is integrated in terms of its materials and colours with the predecessor project, i.e. flattened white stucco, enclosure stone as covering and wood as a second skin, perceiving itself as a single whole. Then, it is distinguished by a volumetric relationship that integrates a horizontal body – converted into a continuous ribbon between roof, wall and floor – in which the architectural program is incorporated on a first level, contrasting with an almost hermetic vertical prism that contains the vertical circulation that intercommunicates all the levels of the project, as well as the main access framed by another horizontal prism, a continuation of the ribbon that integrates the slab.

  • Architect: BCA Taller de Diseño

Posted by Carlos Carreño

BCA Taller de Diseño is a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in interior design. Interior is the axis around which our creativity revolves; it is the energy that shapes concepts and inspires the innovative process by which we achieve results focused on the user. Our capacity and experience has allowed us to develop the ideal tools to support our clients in the creation of spatial emotions with a perfect balance between functionality, image and budget. We create unique atmospheres, by the use of correct materials, color and lighting, where people feel part of the space, living and enjoying it such as being another element of the design concept. Teaming with our collaborators and clients, through a strong communication is key to the development of our projects and is the main reason why we have perfected our methodology to traverse the whole creative, virtual and physical process.

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