This project was obtained through a parametric design process and represents a proposal for a caffee shop ceiling.
The logic was to find different connections between each grid point and the center of each grid’s cell. The more complex the grid, the more intriguing is the pattern. We thought that the best material for this kind of interior installation was cork, because of it’s fire resistant properties and it’s light weight. The project was made in collaboration with architect Adelina Barbu and Parametric Fab, Romania 2016.

The project was a proposal for a coffee shop and their goal was to show diversity at two levels: shapes and coffee flavors. For each person there is a type of coffee. That’s how the idea of variation came up and the space was just perfect with the heigth.

We thought that a parametric design process would suit the owner’s idea of diversity and that’s how we decided to look for those multiple “connections between points and grid cells”. We also had the necessary height for this type of geometry. The materials had to be light and fiire resistent for the ceiling. The colors were inspired by the lattes and coffee types.

With this project we saw the value of the team that we worked with. It is really important to have professionals in your team, that are able to take good decisions in short time. Details are very important in a project and they always make the difference, but at the same time you have to consider all, you have to keep the vision.

  • Architect: FORMA
  • Architect: Adelina Barbu
  • Interior Designer: Parametric Fab

Posted by Simina - Ioana Dimcea

We are architects and since 2010 we've been working with digital fabrication techniques. We are very interested in implementing parametric design into temporary architecture, pavilion architecture, installations and retail interior design.

One Comment

  1. Great idea with the ceiling! It must help a lot to reduce sound reflections.


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