Tag: Institutional

aeropuerto guadalajara serrano a

Aeropuerto Guadalajara

The design concept was proposed by the English firm TDS, whose main objective was to increase the profitability of the waiting hall. In addition, they sought to join Hall B and C with the rest of the connecting corridor on...

/ November 27, 2024
colegio de la imagen publica serrano a

Colegio de la Imagen Pública

The project for Colegio de la Imagen Pública (Public Image College) was developed in an area of 1000 sq m with a frontage of 23 m, wherein the extent and allowable height resulted in vertical solution of 8 levels, 2.5...

/ November 20, 2024
paradero huimilpan serrano a

Paradero Huimilpan

On the beltway Palmillas-Huimilpan is located a double Parador, integrating both a gas station and parking lot for cars and tanker trucks. It also has a service building with a patio covered by canvas that creates the access towards the...

/ November 20, 2024
aeropuerto tijuana serrano a

Aeropuerto Tijuana

In order to optimize the entry process of domestic and international passengers, whether to Mexico or the United States of America – providing a high-level experience to passengers using the airport, architect Juan Pablo Serrano of Serrano + and WSP...

/ November 20, 2024